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Mrs. M.M. (Florence) Myers

“Coates District”

Dundurn, Sask.



Mrs. M.M. (Florence) Myers came to Canada and to Saskatchewan in June of 1904 as Miss Florence Pickering with her mother and brother. Her dad preceded them by two years to build the home place in the Coates District. “I was attending school the day Saskatchewan became a province in 1905. Having Barred Plymouth Rocks on the homestead it was my chore to take care of them. I married Milton Michael Myers in 1917 and was blessed with two daughters and a son. My enthusiasm for the poultry industry increased, and when our eldest daughter was ready for high school in 1931 in Saskatoon, it was at this time that I called on the University of Saskatchewan Poultry Department to gain all the necessary information available regarding housing and feeding management methods pertaining to poultry.”


  • From 1918 to 1928 – Had Barred Plymouth Rocks hatching from own clucking hens, eggs sold locally as well as cockerels for meat. 

  • 1929 to 1932 – Purchased 300 Barred Plymouth Rock chicks from J.J. Hambley, Saskatoon. The manager at that time was Percy Anstey. Chicks were of R.O.P. breeding, and Harold McLellan, Provincial Promoter, Regina called at my place to see how the flock was progressing. In the winter of 1930 I trap nested 50 birds. In 1931 I purchased R.O.P. hatching eggs and chicks, changing this time to Rose Comb White Wyandottes, R.O.P. siring from Fred Finch’s, Lanigan, flock. 

  • 1932-33 to 1951-52 – 20 years kept and recorded R.O.P. trap nest, averaging 50 to 300 birds annually – being that of Rose Comb White Wyandottes.”


  • 1932 to 1938 – Birds qualified, laying 200 or more 24 oz. or better eggs per season. 

  • 1938 to 1943 – Our entire entry selected from R.O.P. chickens, by family groups of 5 chickens or more per entry for each group; did well. 

  • 1944 to 1948 – As emphasis was placed on family pedigreed dam and sire mating, they had to quality with 200 eggs at 24 oz. or better, trapping being 365 days; and did well. 

  • 1948 to 1954 – above as in 1944-48 but only 305 days trap nest period was in force.”

“In 1931 I began hatching eggs on a coal oil MacLeod Hatcher, capacity 150 eggs. 1932 added 2 more MacLeod Hatchers, capacity each 250 eggs. 1933 added 3 MacLeod Hatchers, 2-600 egg size and 1-350 egg size. In 1938 to 1948 – Jamesway 2250 egg sectioned incubator with steam heat replaced the above MacLeod’s. In 1948 to 1952 – converted Jamesway from steam heat to hydro control, as power was now a reality on the farm. In 1953 I purchased Robbins machine – 5500 egg capacity, fully automatic. Operating under Dominion and Provincial Policies – Permit No. 106 as Myers R.O.P. Breeder’s Plant and Hatchery, Dundurn, Sask.”

“As our breeder hatchery enlarged and to give the customers a choice, I also produced on our premises, R.O.P. Single Comb White Leghorns with good success, using R.O.P. cockerels purchased from Mr. Strain’s Progeny Tested males. Produced and sold three grades of day old chicks: 

  1. Individual Pedigree, R.O.P. second or more generation;

  2. Individual Pedigree, R.O.P. first generation;

  3. Individual Pedigree, R.O.P. sired (pullets under trap nest). 

Also sold breeding stock individual pedigreed R.O.P. second generation cockerels.”

“I owe a great deal of credit for my poultry achievements to the following:  Prof. W.J. Rae and Prof. J.B. O’Neil, Poultry Dept., U. of S.; Dr. J.S. Fulton and Dr. Millar, Veterinary Dept., U. of S.; E.M. Campbell, Poultry Commissioner, Dept. of Agriculture, Regina; W.W. Brown, General Produce Manager, Sask. Co-op Creamery Assoc. Ltd., Regina; Dr. Ken Wells, Federal Veterinarian; R.O.P. Inspectors, A.J. Darbey, A. Drew Davey, Roy Clark, Les Fribance, A. Cameron, J. Longstaff Jr. all of Saskatoon, G.A. Stratton, Weyburn and Carl Schenn, Humboldt; and Sask. Approved Inspectors, H.H. Costain and Bill McIntosh, Saskatoon; Fred Finch, Lanigan; and V.B. Cressman, Lashburn.”

In 1934-35 to 1955-56 the Saskatchewan R.O.P. Breeders organized, founded and owned the first R.O.P. Breeder Hatchery of its kind in Saskatchewan and in Canada, with assistance from A.J. Darby and Prof. W.J. Rae helping to make it a reality.

Mrs. Myers was recognized by her fellow poultry men and served on the following:

  • Director – Saskatchewan R.O.P. Breeders Co-operative Hatchery Marketing Assoc. Ltd.

  • Director – Saskatchewan Poultry Assoc.

Also only charter member of the above hatchery that she was director of.


“Tribulation at times was the order of the day, which I had to cope with. By perseverance my goal was two fold – to make a living and to produce and turn out the best possible poultry strain of the day.”

Mrs. M.M. (Florence) Myers: Clients
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